Surrounded by the boundless natural heritage of the Murgia Plateau, we couldn’t help but designing our winery keeping in mind the land around us.

Architecturally inspired by the De Laurentis plant, which, with its splendid cross vaults, has been standing alone on a hill in nearby Santeramo since the end of the nineteenth century, our winery reflects the desire to preserve a certain harmony between design and landscape.

The use of native materials, such as tuff and mazzaro limestone, has made it possible to give life to a project in full harmony with the evocative force of nature, integrating the building with its surrounding environment.

The result is a cellar that is also a real habitat perfectly balanced with our extraordinary landscape.

Our Land


We cultivate our vineyards with the utmost respect of environmental biodiversity: it is a philosophy that has accompanied us from day one and earned us Organic Certification in 1996, one of the first awarded to wineries in the Apulia region.

Since then, we have been faithful to our dual mission: to safeguard the health of consumers by producing healthier wines, and of our land, by rediscovering and enhancing native grape varieties.

Itria Valley.


In 1998 we brought Minutolo grapes back to life, which, today, are considered one of the most interesting white grape varieties grow in Apulia.

We replanted this aromatic yet hardly productive variety, the first in Apulia after its cultivation was discontinued, in the vineyard in front of our cellar, following the careful selection of single grafts from the latest specimens found in the Itria Valley.



We are located in the Alta Murgia Plateau area, the stone heart of the Apulia region, best described by the careful words of German historian and medievalist Ferdinando Gregorovius.

This region features a spectacular succession of rocky ridges, rolling hills, karst cavities, dolines and sinkholes, steep escarpments, woods and vast natural pastures, and bears witness to the perpetual mingling of Nature and man.

In particular, the Murgia Plateau is an area rich in karst formations, as well as in more recent rock formations, such as tuffs and clay bags, sands, and earthy and pebbly alluvial deposits, dating back to the last geological era, which mixed with humus and red earth to make the soil perfect for cultivation.

It is a naturalistic treasure that, in 1998, was endowed with the most important and deserved recognition, the establishment of the Alta Murgia National Park.

In the Murgia area, Gravina in Puglia is the town that boasts the oldest winemaking tradition, as attested by its historic motto Grana dat et Vina. COLLI DELLA MURGIA stands here, nestled between the protected natural area of Bosco Difesa Grande and the Bradano valley.

Aiming for an SO2-free world

Gli investimenti per la dotazione di un impianto di vinificazione e spumantizzazione altamente tecnologico, ci consentono di utilizzare meno del 50% di anidride solforosa consentita dal disciplinare del biologico.

The investments made for the purchase of a state-of-the art wine and sparkling wine production plant allow us to use less than 50% of sulfur dioxide allowed by organic production regulations.

It is a real innovation in the production protocol which, in 2016, led to the production of two wines completely free of added sulphites: Le Dritte Aglianico and Le Dritte Greco.
Hence, our even more ambitious goal for the next few years: production without added sulphites of the entire range of COLLI DELLA MURGIA wines.


Initial experiments

The 1980s were a blend of madness, attempts, failures, passion and perseverance. This was the humus in which Colli della Murgia seeds sprouted.

The birth of ERBACEO

Erbaceo is Colli della Murgia. It is the first wine produced by our Company, a white wine that burst into the market, breaking down the mental barriers by which Apulia had been dubbed unable to produce great white wines. Today, Erbaceo is one of the icons of Apulian wine production.

ORGANIC Certification

In the years when our “sacred” centuries-old olive trees could be felled in Apulia, organic viticulture was seemingly utopian. Not for Colli della Murgia, which never stopped believing in the direct link between respect for Nature and product quality.

Cellar construction begins

Seven years after Erbaceo hit the market, we decided to build our current Winery. In 1998, more than 100,000 bottles of Erbaceo were circulating among the best restaurants on the entire Apulian coast, so we realised that time had come to build a worthy “home” for Colli della Murgia. Construction work was completed in 2004.

The birth of Tufjano

It was the same year in which Tufjano was released to the market. It was also the year in which the “relationship” between Colli della Murgia and the Minutolo grape variety began. We were the first winery to rediscover this extraordinary native variety, which today (17 years later) is considered one of Apulia’s most surprising and characteristic native varieties.

First Amore Protetto harvest

From the very moment their paths crossed, Colli della Murgia and Minutolo became one and the same. Our Company has been constantly experimenting since 2003; 2010 was the year of the first harvest of Amore Protetto, Classic Method, a wine born after many years of experimentation on the Minutolo sparkling process.

Production of wines without additional sulphites

The production of two wines completely free of sulphites is a particular important moment our Winery’s recent history. We have codified an internal “protocol” for the production of wines without added sulphites, while also remaining completely aligned to our very high quality standards.

Digital Innovation. Leveraging AI on bottles

The decision to implement a digital revolution has been an extremely significant step for our Company. With the “wine that speaks” project, we have been able to connect producers and consumers by way of artificial intelligence.

Initial experiments

The 1980s were a blend of madness, attempts, failures, passion and perseverance. This was the humus in which Colli della Murgia seeds sprouted.

ORGANIC Certification

In the years when our “sacred” centuries-old olive trees could be felled in Apulia, organic viticulture was seemingly utopian. Not for Colli della Murgia, which never stopped believing in the direct link between respect for Nature and product quality.

The birth of Tufjano

It was the same year in which Tufjano was released to the market. It was also the year in which the “relationship” between Colli della Murgia and the Minutolo grape variety began. We were the first winery to rediscover this extraordinary native variety, which today (17 years later) is considered one of Apulia’s most surprising and characteristic native varieties.

Production of wines without additional sulphites

The production of two wines completely free of sulphites is a particular important moment our Winery’s recent history. We have codified an internal “protocol” for the production of wines without added sulphites, while also remaining completely aligned to our very high quality standards.

The birth of ERBACEO

Erbaceo is Colli della Murgia. It is the first wine produced by our Company, a white wine that burst into the market, breaking down the mental barriers by which Apulia had been dubbed unable to produce great white wines. Today, Erbaceo is one of the icons of Apulian wine production.

Cellar construction begins

Seven years after Erbaceo hit the market, we decided to build our current Winery. In 1998, more than 100,000 bottles of Erbaceo were circulating among the best restaurants on the entire Apulian coast, so we realised that time had come to build a worthy “home” for Colli della Murgia. Construction work was completed in 2004.

First Amore Protetto harvest

From the very moment their paths crossed, Colli della Murgia and Minutolo became one and the same. Our Company has been constantly experimenting since 2003; 2010 was the year of the first harvest of Amore Protetto, Classic Method, a wine born after many years of experimentation on the Minutolo sparkling process.

Digital Innovation. Leveraging AI on bottles

The decision to implement a digital revolution has been an extremely significant step for our Company. With the “wine that speaks” project, we have been able to connect producers and consumers by way of artificial intelligence.
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